Sunday, April 2, 2017

KC Pils

KC Pils, is an American Lager brewed from the famous brewing company in Kansas City called Boulevard. KC Pils is a 100% malt beer, with a bitterness taste and a lot of hops. Boulevard came out with this beer because back in the day KC was filled with a lot of little breweries and then they started to disappear and so did the beer. So Boulevard wanted to keep some of the great tasting Kansas City beers that we know and love. KC Pils is a light, crisp and slightly grainy beer. I'm not much of a fan of malty beer but this one really caught my taste. This beer has a very nice pour with a crystal clear gold look, it has a very crisp and malty taste to it, I really enjoyed this beer because it had a perfect amount of carbonation and had just the right amount of malt sweetness. This is definitely a beer that I would get more than once, Boulevard did a wonderful job with this beer.

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