Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Raspberry Wheat

A lot of people when they hear of a Raspberry beer they aren't to fond of it and I was the same way until I tried it. The blind tiger in Topeka Kansas, brews their own beer and the Raspberry Wheat is one of them. The raspberry wheat beer is the same beer as their Country Seat Wheat which is a light-bodied beer with a straw golden color and a bitterness and slightly dry taste, but with the raspberry wheat they added all natural raspberry extract. This beer has a raspberry taste an and also a raspberry smell. I would give this beer a 7 out of 10 rating just because I'm not a fan of a dry tasting beer I like a beer that is refreshing and I don't have to wash down with water to keep my palate wet. I liked the raspberry taste because it was different than any other beer and it has a smooth taste. If you like a fruity beer then I would definitely recommend the Raspberry Wheat from the Blind Tiger.

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